It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas…

Ready for Santa Claus!
We’re ready! Bring on the egg nog. Let the kids write Santa a letter. Let’s bake and bake. We’re ready for the Christmas season.
After arriving home today from Oregon for Thanksgiving, we completed our Christmas decorating by visiting the Stockard Family Christmas Tree Farm to select a good ‘ol fashion Christmas tree for the Holt Family. After much debate and rechecking how much we really needed to spend, we settled on a nice 6.5 foot Grand Fir.
We started unraveling the Christmas lights, buying a few new lights, unpacking boxes, cranking the holiday music, and hanging the wreath last weekend. We love this time of year (not because of the gift buying) and will take any reasonable excuse to get ready for the holiday. This year it was Ethan simply asking us and us caving in faster than you can say “Hot chocolate with whip cream on top.”

Ethan helps his Dad hang up the lights.
The biggest addition this year are the new outside lights. We’ve never hung lights outside since we’ve either never been home for Christmas or didn’t have children old enough to really be interested. We broke down this year and grabbed a couple strands of traditional large bulb red and green lights. I originally bought a few strands of small LED lights but they just didn’t do the trick. I guess Laura and I are just traditionalist and enjoy having what we we grew up with.
This evening we enjoyed takeout pizza from a local pizza parlor while decorating the tree. Ethan really got into to it and, rather than just hang up ornaments, he’d play with them for a bit. He was very excited! Autumn was cute and, after seeing me put the tree skirt on under the tree, she went and got some of her doll blankets to put around the tree to keep it “warm”.
We’re looking forward to this holiday season in Seattle!
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