Cheese, cheese, cheese please!

Tillamook Baby Loaf Mobile
Tillamook Baby Loaf Mobile

Tillamook Baby Loaf Mobile

There’s cheese and then there’s Tillamook Cheese. In our household we only support Tillamook Cheese because, really, all other cheese are inferior to the baby loaf.  In our visit to Oregon last weekend, we decided to show our Tillamook support and take a visit/tour of the Tillamook Cheese Factory.

The factory is a tourist destination for visitors on the Oregon coast. It offers viewing of the factory floor pre- and post- aged cheese packaging. The history of the area and factory is told through photos and videos. Our favorite part was the cheese samples. Ethan actually didn’t care for them. He saved his appetite for the Tillamook Ice Cream (not a sample). He also enjoyed driving in the Tillamook Cheese Baby Loaf mobile. There is actually a real car like this. Pretty cool. Before heading back to McMinnville, we bought a few mini-loaf cheeses not found in our grocery store: smoked cheddar, garlic white cheddar, garlic chili pepper cheddar, or smoked black pepper white cheddar anyone? Delicious.

Autumn and Grandpa take a horse ride

Back on the ranch, also known as Laura’s parent’s house, we kept busy helping out. We put up horse stalls in the new barn, tended the garden, and prepared a strawberry rhubarb pie. The kids played in the pool, rode Norm the horse, and the family enjoyed a mean game of croquet.

As usual, we look forward to our next visit to Oregon to visit family, ride horses, and eat cheese.


Oregon Visit Slideshow

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