What’s on your RSS feed?
WARNING: Computer Nerd Alert!
As information inquirers, Laura and I read The Oregonian on a daily basis. While Ethan yacks away and plays with his oatmeal each morning, we share the front page and discuss the local news. It’s a great way to learn a little more about our community and the world we live in.
But for many of us out there, the morning newspaper just doesn’t cut it. We need MORE information. Not just any ‘ol information, but information that is up-to-date, relevant to our interests, and easy to access. This is why I love Really Simple Syndication or RSS feeds.
RSS feeds allow me to subscribe to a page and get the latest news. There are thousands of websites/blogs that provide these links. Even our website, actually this page that you are reading right now, allows this. But the beauty of an RSS feed isn’t that you can subscribe to it, but in the application that allows this to happen. In my case, I use Google Reader to subscribe to all my RSS feeds. Gathered on one page are up-to-date headlines from all the websites I subscribe to. Now I don’t have to click on a link to each website to see what’s new. It’s gathered all in one place
I’m not going to describe all the nuts and bolts of how to use Google Reader and RSS feeds, there is plenty of information on the web to do that. I just wanted to share the sites that I subscribe to and to make sure that you know you can always subscribe to our website. This page is the only dynamic page, hence, the only one that will be updated in your RSS feed. Hope you find a new feed to subscribe too. Remember to look for the orange image in your URL bar and click it to subscribe.
Brett’s RSS Subscriptions on his Google Reader
- First I have a whole list of friend’s websites that I subscribe to. Great way to stay in touch.
- BBC World News: Allows me to learn more about news from around the world (http://news.bbc.co.uk/)
- Foreign Policy Association: This organization offers a lot of blogs to subscribe to. Here are my favorites: Caucasus (http://caucasus.foreignpolicyblogs.com/); Central Asia (http://centralasia.foreignpolicyblogs.com/); Election 2008 (http://election.foreignpolicyblogs.com/); Russia (http://russia.foreignpolicyblogs.com/); U.S. Diplomacy (http://diplomacy.foreignpolicyblogs.com/); U.S. Role in the World (http://usrole.foreignpolicyblogs.com/)
- Fat Wreck Chords: One of my favorite punk rock record labels (http://www.fatwreck.com/)
- Lifehacker: All things computer and nerdy, but very useful (http://lifehacker.com/)
- MadConomist: Economics anyone? (http://madconomist.com/)
- The Positivity Blog: Fluffy but very optimistic (http://www.positivityblog.com/)
- Planetizen: All things planning and more (http://www.planetizen.com/)
- Politico: Politics, Political News, Campaign 2008 and on and on (http://www.politico.com/)
- PunkNews.org: My lifeline to the latest tours, breakups, record releases, tragedies and other shenanigans in the punk rock world (http://www.punknews.org/)
- Woodworking Magazine: I love to build things (http://blog.woodworking-magazine.com/blog/)
That’s my list. Feel free to share yours.
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Great info on RSS and I’m glad you are enjoying the U.S. Role blog. Thanks for visiting.
When I opened this posting (by linking into your website from my RSS) and saw that there was one comment, how did I know that it would be from my lovely husband???? You guys and your cute computer-geekdom are adorable! I’m not sure how you keep on top of all your feeds and I highly doubt that Jason really needs more of them (Thanks, Brett, for giving him more to look up, sigh 😉 as I can hardly keep atop my puny number of seven. I do wish, however, that I had more time to read. I suppose time is a matter of prioritising, not ‘having’, isn’t it? Thanks, Brett, for always having something interesting to share via email or here on your blog…oh, and we want more pics of Ethan!
I am a big fan of RSS. I do have a request regarding the RSS of BrettandLaura.com. Is it possible to provide the full RSS feed instead of the summary feed? While I love visiting the site, it would be even better if I can keep all inside my reader until comment is needed.
I have over 350 feeds in my RSS reader so it makes little sense to put them all down here. However, some my favourites that might be enjoyed by the BrettandLaura.com community are:
-clusterstock (business and economy with a bit of pity commentary)
-LifeHack.org (Like lifechacker but a bit more holistic self-help focused)
-Open Congress (A GREAT website for comparing voting records and watching activity in Congress. It is a must to keep up with new legislation)
-Post Secret (An ongoing art project which publishes every Sunday. It certainly makes me appreciate how awesome of a life we have and how much I appreciate family and friends.)
Of course I have 40+ computer related feeds on various topics from database design to web programming. There are 35 sites relating to my MBA study discussing management trends and theory. I tried to use RSS for the 14 international newspapers I read but they create too much information to read in the RSS so I have to go to them as I can’t read them every day.
I would agree with Brett in that RSS has become the core tool in my consumption of information. I just wish that FaceBook and some sites like that would allow RSS integration.
Very cool stuff Brett. I am going to have to check out your list and see if my RSS feed count will grow.