October in Review: The Month of the Heffalump

Heffalump! What the? Okay if you don’t have kids you probably don’t have any idea what a Heffalump is. I didn’t either until earlier in October I randomly selected for Ethan Pooh’s Heffalump Movie from Netflix. That’s all it took. He watched it, laughed a lot, smiled, never ate his popcorn because he was glued to the movie, and came back asking for more. Seriously, he loves anything about it (characters, songs, dialogue, pictures). There is no doubt that October became the month of the Heffalump.
But we also got our fair share of Vitamin D and hiked the Cascades, saw the Salmon run, visited McMinnville, watched Autumn get her first tooth and chomp down her first solids, and finished the month with the cutest little horse and firefighter you ever saw. Our weekends and family time took us near and far. Here’s a brief summary of our October:
- Salmon Festival
- Skagit Valley Festival of Farms Tour
- Seattle Aquarium
- Games, games, and lots of games (mostly puzzles)
- Big Four Ice Caves Hike
- Robe Canyon Hike
- Community Trunk ‘n Treat
- Trip to McMinnville, Oregon to visit family
- Neighborhood trick or treating
- Pumpkin carving
- Toolbox building
The fall colors were in full bloom here in Washington and down in Oregon. Our drive down to McMinnville was gorgeous along I-5. Here’s to a great November.
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Lynda, I still laugh when I see that bathtub photo! Ethan was “scuba diving” (we saw scuba divers at the aquarium). At one point he swallow a big gulp of water, came up choking and said “wow, that was hard work!” 🙂
Loved all of the photos…especially the bathtub photo! What a great life for 2 adorable children…and for 2 great parents!