November in Review: Why We Do What We Do

I don't like that

What am I talking about when I type, “Why we do what we do”. This short post is about why we continue to maintain a website and write what we write….oh and about November 2010.

Our website has been public since spring 2004. At the time, we set it up to share photos and stories with friends and family while we lived in Armenia. The site was basic, but met our needs. After returning home from Armenia, I updated it to reflect our life after Peace Corps. It captured our transition to Oregon and addition of Ethan to our family. Admittedly, I didn’t update the website as much as I’d like during Ethan’s first couple years. With the birth of Autumn this past March, and an update in WordPress capabilities, I decided to get my act together and truly focus on updating our website.

Today, our focus with every post is to provide a written record of our life so our children can look back and learn about themselves, parents, and family. It’s really that simple. I’m trying to capture those big events as well as small, somewhat insignificant, ones too. I want them to understand the “present” of every post. I hope they can read these posts and piece together how they were raised. Perhaps, they will learn a bit more why they are the way they are. Most of all, I hope they are entertained and find that life was good and fulfilling.

20101125_0400So what are the highlights for November 2010 that Ethan and Autumn will read about at some point later in life? My brother Mark made it up to visit the family and meet Autumn. He and Ethan had a great time going on adventures throughout house. Later in the month, our first snow of the season arrived to the Seattle area. It caused chaos in the Seattle area, but we stayed home those couple days while the roads cleared. We then spent Thanksgiving in McMinnville, Oregon where we enjoyed time with Laura’s family, and made a much too quick visit to Eugene to see friends. Most important, Laura and I celebrated our 7th Wedding Anniversary in style: dinner at a local pizza parlor in Lafayette, Oregon.

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One thought on “November in Review: Why We Do What We Do

  1. Lynda Holt says:

    I love this…thank yu!

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