We wish you an outstanding 2016!

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays!

We wish you a very happy holiday season! 2015 has been a wonderful year for all of us. As the tradition goes for us, we’re emailing our annual e-holiday card and providing a rundown of the highlights!

As a family, we had a few great trips this year. We had our first family backpacking trip last August. We hiked 7 miles round trip to a wonderful spot on the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest. We’re already planning our 2016 trip which will be 2-3 nights somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. We took our second visit to Washington, DC in October. We had the opportunity to visit Mt Vernon, Washington Monument, and the many Smithsonians. In early June, we joined Laura’s family in Sunriver, Oregon for a nice time relaxing and floating down the Deschutes River. Eastern Oregon is a beautiful place to visit!

Ethan is 8 years old and in third grade. He has a pretty good nack for math. At home you’ll catch him playing Legos, reading books, creating new tricks on his bike, or enjoying a good Lego or Star Wars show. He loves Tae Kwon Do. He has been training almost 2 years and just earned his blue belt. Ethan also continues to play the piano and doing very well. Brett’s plot to start a family band is all working out.

Autumn is 5 years old and in kindergarten. She loves her teacher and she is full of stories from school each evening at the dinner table. She performed in her dance school’s Nutcracker performance. She loved being in the performance as a Bon Bon. She is now on her 3rd year of dance. She started to teach herself piano in the past few months. While this is great for her, Brett would prefer her to play guitar as it fits better with the family band.

Laura started working in the classroom again. After taking a break from teaching to be at home with the kids, she is now substitute teaching in the Edmonds School District. She loves the opportunity to teach again. In her free time (ha ha…what’s that?), she continues to excel at baking and working around the kitchen. She succeeded in doing her own canning this year with tomatoes from our garden.

Brett is loving life at FEMA. He had the opportunity to work in Washington, DC for 7 weeks helping to implement FEMA’s SharePoint Program Management Office. In addition, he stayed busy this past fall helping the state of Washington recover from this year’s wildfires. At home, projects consume his time as our house is always in need of repairs or updating.

Thanks for being part of our life. Have an outstanding 2016!

Brett, Laura, Ethan, and Autumn Holt

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Autumn’s 1st Year of Soccer