Goodbye Preschool, Hello Kindergarten

First Day of Preschool (September 2010)
Ethan graduated from preschool today. It was a bittersweet moment watching our little guy leave the school, teachers, and friends he enjoys so much. He has grown so much and his preschool has had a tremendous impact on him. The school has always supported the values we hold in our family: treat others with respect, share, help each other, each child is unique and, therefore, encourage them down their own path. Even today as he played with the children, he demonstrated his caring attitude as he was protecting the girls from the boys, especially the one with a bow and arrow.
The teachers left a cute note in their graduation packet that I thought I’d share.
We are giving you bubbles because we hope you will spend the summer going where the wind takes you.
We are giving you a book so will remember how fun learning can be!
We are giving you some candy because it has been so sweet to have you in our class!
It has been a lovely year. We hope to see you very, very soon!
Two years ago he entered preschool a bit shy and not wanting to go. Today, he was full of energy and confident and not wanting to leave his friends. Of course, he does like to say he’s excited to leave preschool and enter kindergarten. We understand the excitement ,and fear on our part, that comes with a change.
In September he will start full day kindergarten. This is a big step for us since he has been doing half day preschool 3 days a week. He’s also born in July and the cut off for kindergarten is August 31, so he competes, unfortunately, with children 11 months older in academics. We’re confident he’ll do very well due to his love for learning (he LOVES to read and inquires about all things), ability to make friends, and the two kick ass parents he has that continue to challenge him through new experiences (heck yeah we’ll take credit).
You’re an awesome child Ethan! Keep doing what you’re doing!

A very happy boy!

Ethan receives his graduation certificate

Ethan and his favorite teacher Teresa
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