Fun with Glow Sticks
Ethan has officially been introduced to glow sticks! I found a stock pile of them last weekend in my workshop. They were saved from when I was a wildland firefighter and I carried a handful in my line gear for night operations. But those days have passed and they’ve collected dust for the last 7 years. This evening I decided to pull my pile of glow sticks to show Ethan the joy they can bring. Game on.
I asked Ethan to turn off all the lights in the front room and come sit with me on the couch. He was a little confused with what we were doing, but I assured him that this would be fun. Come on now, this is your Dad talking. I tore open the package, cracked it, and shook. Nothing. Hmmm. I shook a little harder and nothing. “Dad, why are you shaking that?” This wasn’t a good start. No worries. We had a bag of these babies. I grabbed the second one and repeated the same procedure as the first. Same results. Oh boy. Two down. Then three, four, and five. You have got to be kidding. I was losing face in front of my son. I needed one to work. He was losing interest as a three year old would. I grabbed number six, crack, and shack. Dud!
This was ridiculous. I know they were old, but come on now. I pulled out a blue glow stick and hoped for the best. Come on big blue…….BAM! SUCCESS! The little guy’s eyes opened wide as he gleamed “Oooooo Daddy! Can I have it?” Yes. I’m back in the game. I pulled out another green glow stick and had another success. Two working glow sticks would do the trick for us. We ran around the house, cruised around the back yard, threw them in the air, hid them under clothes, and amused Laura as we spent time enjoying life’s simple pleasures.
>> For more photos of the kids and Seattle area, view our Seattle Area Photo Album.
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