Duff (2000-2009)

With great sadness, Duff went to his final resting place last Monday, June 22. He developed a tumor on the outside of his intestines which caused tremendous pain and made it difficult to have a bowel movement. The vet didn’t recommend surgery because of his age, breed/size, and the size of the tumor. It was an extremely difficult decision for Laura and me to make, but we had always told ourselves that our dogs will not suffer in these type of situations.

Duff was a 9 year old black lab that I adopted in September 2001 while living in Burns, Oregon. He was a little over a year old and had already been with two other owners. His mild temperament and easy going manners made him a keeper, and over the years, made dog lovers out of people who didn’t like dogs. He was loyal, loved to wander, and gave great wet kisses!

The name Duff came with him. I’m told he was named after Duff beer on the Simpsons. Not being a fan of the Simpsons or cheap beer, I like to say he was named after the duff layer found in the forest. Either way, it was a unique name for a unique dog.

When I got him, I had just started a long distance relationship with Laura, who was living in Spokane, WA. Duff became my travel companion for those 9 hour drives to see her, which became the start of his traveling adventures with Laura and me. He traveled to mountains and the beaches; ran along our sides on trails and roads; visited Glacier, Yellowstone, Lassen, and Yosemite National Parks; visited or lived in Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Nevada, and California; and loved to play in rivers and sit in the rain. He probably experienced more than many Americans.

While we were in the Peace Corps (2004-2005), he and Skylee easily transitioned to living with my mom (Grandma) where they were spoiled. He loved sleeping on her bed, running around the large yard, eating “special” food, and receiving her undivided attention. He loved being with my mom!

Though Ethan may not remember him, he will always have pictures, videos, and wonderful stories for us to share with him. We will all miss him very much.

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