October 20, 2008 / Last updated : September 6, 2011 Brett Holt Causes We voted in 2008! [Video] Here in Oregon, polling booths don’t exist. Everyone in the state will vote by a mail-in ballot. Here’s our experience. Simple, relaxing, and in the comfort of our own home.
March 22, 2008 / Last updated : June 10, 2011 Brett Holt Brett Barack Obama in Eugene, Oregon! 7:45pm: So Laura decides she wants to get out of the house this evening since my mom is in town and will be able to watch Ethan. I was in for the evening, having settled into a cozy pair of sweats and sitting on the couch reading the latest issue of Mother Earth News. I […]
February 12, 2008 / Last updated : August 6, 2010 Brett Holt International Again, Dick is right! My favorite line: “The bottom line question for me was: How many additional American lives is Saddam Hussein worth? The answer: not very damn many.”
April 11, 2007 / Last updated : June 21, 2011 Brett Holt Oregon Living Obama ’08 This is definitely enticing. We will need to read his books and do some additoinal research, but he sure is a great speaker (unlike our current president) and has made some great votes as a Senator. http://www.barackobama.com/