Caspar Babypants and others at the Northwest Folklife Festival [Video]
It’s that time of the year again where we go visit the annual Northwest Folklife Festival at the Seattle Center. We attended the Monday festivities and spent most of our time listening to children’s musicians at one of the stages. We had the opportunity to catch Caspar Babypants, The Not-Its, and more.
The kids were very excited to come to the festival. In fact, next time we won’t tell Autumn where we are going until she is in the car. We told her the night before and, well, she was coming out of her room every five minutes saying “Babypants” because she truly loves Caspar Babypants’ music. After an hour or so of this nonsense she finally fell asleep.
Besides the children’s stage we walked around the Center to catch the musicians on stage and those that show up and play along the walkways. Honestly, I think the ones on the walkways are the most interesting. They are usually more eccentric in what they play. Except for a couple of 9 or 10 year old kids playing some boxes rather poorly, I thought all the musicians were great. While there is a ton of great smelling food all over, we opted for a couple of fresh strawberry lemonades to Ethan’s delight.
Next year we will plan more time (and money) for the festival. We noticed Ethan is old enough to enjoy more of the music. He also wanted to go on some of the great rides they offered kids, including the rope course, swings, and slides. If anything, this festival offers him and Autumn a chance to explore cultures and music not always seen or heard in our home.
I put together a video of the Caspar Babypants (Chris Bellow from the President of the USA) set (the kids love watching the video at home). It also includes a song from a musician playing various percussion instruments and a song from the Not-Its.

Ethan hugs Mirrorman

Space Needle

Kids dancing to the music


Caspar Babypants and the Bear

Autumn and Caspar

More of Caspar Babypants and the Bear

Laura and Autumn enjoy the tunes

Come on kids, just a simple smile. : )
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