Vote with YOUR MONEY

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I added new links in the Activism section. This is a very important area of the website to us, as it reveals a lot about who we are and what we believe in. We encourage you to visit this area often, as we will keep adding new sites to visit.

We believe that inorder for our society to truly succeed we need to evolve from a society that is centered around greed and the corporate machine to one that centered around the collective as people work to help one another. How can a corporation that only serves to make money for it’s stockholders at the expense of human rights, health, and the environment do us any good in the long run? It can not. We need to take a stand against such machines and encourage one another to produce and purchase in sustainable ways. Support your community services and grassroots efforts that encourage a healthy sustainable society for everyone. It is time to act now and to vote with our money. The most influential action one can have on society is how you spend your money. If you choose to purchase name brands that don’t offer a living wage to it’s workers living in horrible conditions then this is what our society will evolve into, but if you want a society that is rich in natural resources and ecourages everyone to live healthy and happily then purchase products and support services. Don’t waste your time on mind-numbing pleasures, but prefer to not insult yourself and go out and stimulate your mind. Read, get outside, talk with one another, learn about each other.

If you are not sure where your money is going, then take the time to research the companies. The internet makes this possible. Be an investigative reporter trying to uncover the truth. I know that I don’t know everything about every company but I don’t sit on my ass and claim I didn’t try. Everyday brings new opportunities to change this world. WE MUST ACT TODAY!

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0 thoughts on “Vote with YOUR MONEY

  1. Jason says:

    You are so right! I see I can learn a lot by reading your blog. Before PC, I did not hardly think of such things. I was to busy paying the mortgage but I greatly appreciate you openning my eyes to things I have never though of.

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