We hope you have enjoyed 2016 and look forward to 2017. We had a great year full of new experiences, creative opportunities, and lots of laughter. See the many photos below at the end of the post.
Autumn participated in her second season of The Nutcracker this past weekend. She was a Bon Bon and had the best time performing three times last week. She has been working on this performance since early October at her dance school. For kids her age, the Bon Bons are the only option for her in the Nutcracker. As she gets older she can move on to other roles in the show.
Video: Autumn will pop out from under the dress. She is the 2nd from left side of the screen in a green skirt.
She loves both her ballet and tap dance. She has now been dancing for almost 4 years, since age 3, at Alderwood Dance Spectrum. She also loves singing so I can see her owning the stage more often as she gets older.
My friend Kyle Sasse passed away earlier this year, much too soon for all his friends and family. Unfortunately, I just heard about it but that’s how it goes. I had not seen Kyle since 2009 at the Boy Kicks Girl reunion show pre-party, but we corresponded each year, usually at Christmas. Distance and time will do that to friends. Last I heard from him was in January and he was doing great, even writing a book.
I met Kyle in 1997 while playing in Boy Kicks Girl. Kyle saw us play at the Cactus Club and he loved the band. He would end up coming to countless shows of ours. From the shows our friendship grew from where we would hang out and just get to know each other on a personal level. He had a HUGE heart and was truly loyal to friends. He was our #1 fan. He was a roadie on our first tour through Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico. He captured some of our most iconic photos on this tour (see below). In 2000, when played in LaCrosse, WI, he had his parents come on out see the band play. Loved that!
Back in San Jose, when I needed a venue to put on shows, he kindly offered his house for touring bands. I don’t know how many bands played at his house during the years, as he took it upon himself to be a promotor, but I’m grateful he opened his house. GOB, Agent 51, Boy Kicks Girl, POPS, HBA, Nothing Substantial, and countless other local and touring bands played at Kyle’s House. He helped San Jose under ground punk stay alive.
I know we hadn’t kept in touch the past few years like back in the band days, but that shouldn’t matter. He was truly an awesome, dedicated friend. He gave it his all when he liked something. Whether renovating his house or supporting local bands, he fully engrossed himself in it.
Thanks for being such a wonderful person Kyle! You are missed my friend.